It's time to kickstart your alcohol free journey

Only Pay what you want!

Sign up today for the 5 Day Alcohol Free Challenge

Ditching Alcohol can feel overwhelming, but breaking it down into bite-sized pieces makes it feel more manageable. That's why starting with a 5 day challenge can often time lead to LONG TERM success.  Whether your goal is to ditch alcohol forever or just take a break so you can re-evaluate your relationship with alcohol, the 5 Day Challenge is a GREAT place to start your journey.

What do you get when you sign up for the challenge?

  • Daily videos with strategies to help your initial break from alcohol feel easier. These videos also help you to take a deeper dive into analyzing the role of alcohol in your life. Each video is between 5 to 10 minutes long, so you can consume the content and then get back to your busy life.
  • An online community so you can connect with other people on a similar journey as you.  This community is OFF of social media so you can stay focused on the material in the challenge.
  • Daily emails so you can stay closely connected to Sara (your personal alcohol free coach) as you go through your challenge. Anytime you have a question or need some extra support, you can reply to one of these emails to get a hold of Sara directly.

Meet Sara Kaufman-Bradstreet. Your personal alcohol free coach! Sara is the founder of No More Wasted Days. After Sara quit drinking on her own, she cautiously shared her alcohol free journey on her personal FB page and realized there were people out there struggling with their relationship with alcohol just like she had. She decided to run a 30 day alcohol free challenge with her friends and family and was surprised at how many people had success with the challenge.

After this initial 30 day alcohol free challenge, Sara worked to share as much content as she could online to help others see that they weren't alone in their struggles with alcohol.

As a former teacher, Sara has put all of her past teaching knowledge into creating online courses that help her clients break down overwhelming tasks (like quitting drinking) into smaller, step by step tasks. This way ditching alcohol feels simpler. She has helped 500+ people re-evaluate their relationship with alcohol with her online challenges.

Sara leads her alcohol free challenges with compassion and when you watch her work, you can tell that she truly loves helping other people regain control over their lives as they work through their own alcohol free challenge. 

No More Wasted Days Founder

How does the challenge work?

Sign up and receive your Welcome Email

Sign up for the challenge, and you will immediately be sent a Welcome Email.  In this email, you'll receive all the info on getting signed up in our exclusive online community where you will find all of the challenge videos.

Your challenge emails will start the day after you sign up, and don't worry, you have lifetime access to the videos so you can watch at your convenience.

Get set up in the online community.

You will receive sign up info to our online community right when you sign up. The videos all live in this online community so you can watch them at your own convenience (and can go back and re-watch them if needed). 

Start your challenge!

You will receive daily emails throughout the challenge, and each day you'll be able to watch your video for the day.  You can reply to any of the daily emails to get in touch with Sara right away, and you can comment below each daily video to connect with Sara and other members of the group.

What are our 5 Day Kickstart members saying?

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to pay anything for the challenge?

The 5 day challenge requires an investment of $7.  We found that more students were successful even when there was a small payment required for the course. We understand that an investment can feel overwhelming, but when you consider that $7 is less than a bottle of wine and may lead to you never buying a bottle of wine again, you may actually end up saving money.

Will anyone know I'm doing the challenge?

No.  The only people who will know are other people who are in the challenge with you.  You're free to use fake name if you want to stay completely private. 

Do I have to be on Facebook?

No.  This challenge will be ran though our private community and doesn't require access to any social network.